Everyone has heard about affirmations. But how do they really work? The first step is to open yourself up to any and all possibilities. You need to believe that you have the power inside yourself to change and create your own reality. You alone create your own life. Finding or creating an affirmation for your own situation is easy. There are a few examples in the picture above.
So to get started once you choose an affirmation that resonates with you, you will say and repeat it 10 times when you wake up and before bed. If you start doubting what you are trying to manifest or change repeat the affirmation either out loud or in your mind until you get back on track. Try taking 3 cleansing deep breaths in through your nose and out your mouth. The universe always has your back and wants to make sure you live your life to it's fullest and as you want.
This may take some time before you reprogram your subconscious mind and really feel the change. You will start to see what you want come into your reality. Just focus on what you want and not what you don't. Thoughts are powerful and you want to make sure you are staying in the same vibration as what you are trying to achieve, or manifest. You don't want to contradict what want. For example if you want more money, don't be envious of others who have it or think money doesn't grow on trees. Look at those who have what you want and be thankful, know that your time is already on it's way to you.
Most of my clients see evidence of what they are trying to attract in their life by practicing these affirmations within 30 days. Don't give up, and keep focusing on what it is you want and believe you will have it. As the universe is already in the process of delivering it to you. Some things we are working on manifesting into our lives take a bit longer, there may be steps you will have to take to get there. But you will notice the opportunities come to you. You may even have to come out of your comfort zone a bit. The universe has a way of surprising us. So what that means is sometimes you get what you want but in a different and better way. Practice mindfulness and gratitude as well. These will help maximize your manifestations and help you along the way. Feel free to reach out to me anytime and remember anything is possible!