Beliefs and momentum are the two most important parts of your POA, (point of attraction). Your POA is multifaceted and is a combination of your general and specific beliefs. How you feel now? Did you know you have a Core self? Your core self is also a part of your POA. This aspect of you continues to be and emanate well being, and guides you towards well being and your desires. To understand how it works, you have to allow good things to come into your life! Pay attention to your inner compass. Listen to that feeling you get in your gut, so you can continue to choose the thoughts you want!
Let's STOP the resistance. Like I always say energy flows where focus goes! When you go for what you truly want, you feel good. Stay focused, don't stop your core focus will keep going. Your new best friend that will keep you in alignment is contrast. 1.) To show us that resistance is present, is to help us choose the energy flow and make a new decision. 2.) Answer to your intention, let go of resistance. Keep your heart open. Contrast helps us move forward, and leads us down the path to pure mastery of ourselves. Be in a state of readiness and let good things happen. Change how you feel right now! Repeat emotional pattern or REP. is the more momentum you build, your LOA or Law of Attraction will match how you feel.
Once your vibration rises so does your perspective. Listening to your inner self is big. "If the energy feels light, it is just right. If the energy feels heavy, you are not ready". If you feel like something you are doing or trying to do is too hard, it's ok just chill out. When in doubt chill out! Your thoughts are powerful, more than you realize. Keep exercising, meditating with deep breaths you can do this anywhere anytime when needed. Self improvement and getting what you want out of life does take time, patience and practice, do NOT give up. Believe in yourself always...
Your belief system, What is it exactly? You are what you believe. If you believe that you are going to fail then you probably will. If you believe that you will be successful then you will have lots of success in your life. Imagine if you knew nothing about fear. What if you were raised to believe that you would be successful doing whatever it is that you wanted to do in life? How much would you push to meet your goals? In order for us to enjoy our best life we must strive to achieve whatever it is we desire or want. If you have fears that are holding you back from accomplishing your goals, such as your ideas, age or lack of experience, etc. Send love to your fears. List all of the things that you feel are holding you back from accomplishing your goals. And then list all the things that you plan to commit too in order to achieve your goals. A belief is a thought that you keep thinking, so if you did this exercise for about 30 days or longer your beliefs would change and so would your life.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you can't do something. In order to become successful at something you must believe that you can do anything that you put your mind too and ideas on ways to achieve your goals will come to you and you must act on them. And if you so happen to choose a path that doesn’t work out for you, do not give up. That particular idea may not be the right one for you at that time. “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” Michael Jordan! With the Law of Attraction you will attract whatever it is that you give your attention too. So, if truly believe in your abilities to accomplish your goals or to find your life purpose you will attract more and more opportunities into your life which will lead to even more success. Your life will play out exactly the way you believe that it will in your mind. So whatever you truly believe you can achieve, and if you go after what you love with everything that you have you WILL be successful!