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Have an attitude of gratitude!


The more grateful you are the more you receive!

Having an attitude of gratitude is one of my absolute favorite sayings. People that are grateful live a happier life. It's true. I used to not be grateful. I would stress and worry all the time about how will I pay for this or put food on the table. I never stop to realize all the good things in my life. How I had a roof over my head, I had clothes on my back, a car to get places I needed to go etc. We all just need to stop, take a deep breath, and focus on what we do have. Then you will get that warm feeling of gratitude running through your body. Giving you a new perspective on your life and others.

No matter what your situation is there is always light to get you through. Once you realize how grateful you are the things you want to manifest into your life, whether it's a promotion or new job, relationship, anything will soon come into your reality. Why? Because you have raised your vibration to match what you want. When you focus on the good things in your life you keep good things coming. If you focus on what you don't have or the not so good, then you get it. So your goal should always be live in the now, don't worry about the past. What your future will be like is 100% up to you. So say your daily affirmations whenever you start to doubt you won't get to where you want to be. Meditate when you have a few free minutes. When stress feels overwhelming stop what you are doing and take a few deep breaths.

Being human doesn't have to be hard. Keep dreaming big, write down your dreams and goals in a journal. Journaling is a great way to help you clear your mind and see what you need to change. Just writing down your feelings daily, or every other day will help you understand yourself. You may even realize your life's purpose and what makes you happy. For those that are not too much into writing you can do a Goals and Gratitude activity. You just write down your daily, weekly, monthly goal and what you are grateful for. Either of these will help you tremendously. It may also be a good idea to keep certain desires and dreams to yourself as others will try to diminish them or make you feel like it won't happen. Believe in your own desires, believe in yourself and you will succeed in anything you want!

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