Welcome to My Life Inspiring Blog!
Now that I have welcomed you to my life inspiring blog, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a mom of three great kids. Two teenage boys and a daughter who is about to be twelve but thinks she is eighteen lol. My family moved from Florida to Georgia about five years ago to start fresh. My husband and I have been through a lot in our seventeen years of being together. So we knew we were making the right choice by moving. It's like when you get a feeling in your gut, you need to listen to it, act on it.
We have always struggled even when I was a child. I wanted my kids to see me as a success so I can show them they can do the same, even better. Working several types of jobs never made me happy or feel fulfilled in any way. Once we got settled up in the peach state I continued working a job I liked but never got the opportunity to be promoted. After realizing I was getting no where I went for what I believed to be my dream job, a Realtor. Now not to brag but I somehow managed to pass the test to get my real estate license on the first try. So I was excited I thought this is meant for me. But with the craziness of the covid market, I wasn't so sure.
After finally securing us our own home last Christmas it gave me hope, well for a bit. I was getting depressed seeing all these other agents making money. I started doing some research. I had then come across a website on getting certified as a life coach. A life coach? what was that? Never hearing about life coaches I had a GUT feeling so I signed up. I figured I loved helping people, I have been giving great even life changing advice to others so it's my turn. Once I got certified as a professional coach I kept going. The more I learned about the law of attraction, goal setting, meditation, energy healing, diet and nutrition etc, I was so intrigued.
I had decided to start my own coaching business "LYDL" aka Live your desired life. It took a little to get the feel of it but once the word was out I was busy helping people in all situations find the way to live their dream. Accomplish their goals, and holding them accountable for their own success. Having a 100% success rate is a wonderful feeling. So I decided to write a guidebook with activities to help people who didn't want to deal with coaching sessions or just didn't want to pay for something they have never tried. I call it "Change your life from within" It is exclusively on Amazon. It has been a bog hit so far, and I am so grateful for everything.
So with creating this blog it is a way I can tell my stories, help others get through situations they thought was impossible. Let the world know just how powerful we all are, and how to use this power inside ourselves to live the life we all desire and crave. We can make this world, our universe a better place for future generations to come. All while living our lives the way we were meant to, with joy, happiness, success, love etc. There is an abundance of everything we all just need to tap into it. Money is just energy, if you feel like you never have enough then you won't. If you feel like you have what you need then more will come. It goes like that with everything we want. I look forward to hearing from you guys on your success stories. Remember never give up, what you want is coming soon! Subscribe now and get inspired!!!